Law Office of James D. Owen, LLC
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Law Office of James D. Owen, LLC

Verified by it's Owner

A Proven Record Winning Tough Criminal Cases

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Law Office of James D. Owen, LLC

Verified by it's Owner

A Proven Record Winning Tough Criminal Cases

Section Title

The Law Office of James D. Owen, LLC is a small criminal defense law firm based in Columbus, Ohio with a proven record winning tough criminal cases. With a trial record second to none, the firm represents both ordinary people and high-profile clients. But our clients are not all suspects in homicides or other major crimes. We handle all sorts of criminal matters from domestic violence to drunk driving, to drugs and narcotics, and frequently represent those confronted with white-collar charges. The record of winning NOT GUILTY verdicts has continued over decades and is what distinguishes our firm from its competitors. Our wins in major criminal cases are prominently displayed, case by case, on the firm’s website. We ask prospective clients to look at that winning experience and compare it with our competitors.


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Google Address
Law Office of James D. Owen, LLC, 5354, North High Street, Clintonville, Columbus, Sharon, Franklin County, Ohio, 43214, United States
Phone 1
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